LG ThinQ and SK8 Soundbar CTU
In collaboration with #LG, our team here at #MyPlayer provided an interactive touch experience allowing customers to experience the LG Soundbar and the smart ThinQ Speaker.
The Counter Top Unit (CTU) rolled out across Currys PC World and Costco stores in the UK, and won the Silver POPAI Award in 2019.
The 10 inch HD touch display allows customers to select the Soundbar to demonstrate Hi-Res audio via a selection of music or film content.
Customers can also select the LG ThinQ Speaker to play a selection of music, and able learn about the benefits of Google Assistant via a product video.
Addition to an in-store demonstrate the display provides product information and specification to help the customer to make an informative buying decision.
Awarded the Silver POPAI Award in 2019
10 inch interactive MyPlayer touch display
Demonstration both the Smart speaker and Soundbar.
Learn about the benefits of Google Assistant
Different types of content available such as Dolby Videos, Music and Product video.
Dedicated learn more and Product pages
Volume control and Mute button
Automatic resuming looping product video after inactivity
Automatic volume reset after each customer
Services Provided
Project Management
Conceptual / Visualisation
Hardware / Software development
Interactive Content