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Naim - Summer of Sound on the Roof by the John Lewis Garden Society Background

#Naim Audio, a UK leading Audio brand collaborating with #JohnLewis for their Summer of Sound on the Roof event. A event which celebrates music, food, drink and sunshine!

The brief

Deliver a customer friendly experience designed to Naim’s premium standards. One “party” button to access a range of great music tracks played on the Muso speaker, with volume controls to pump up the sound, and have fun in the sun.


A smart all in one demonstration plinth which is designed for audio performers. Built from metal and sound absorption materials. The plinth heroes the Muso by discreetly resting under the speaker.

All the demonstration tech is built-in, providing high-resolution music files over high speed connection providing audiophile sound quality.

One push play, control volume and track selection from speaker or the plinth makes a hassle free demo.

Core Features:

  • Playlist of 50 songs

  • Auto Shuffle for new customers

  • System pauses when customers connected via bluetooth

  • Auto resumes system

  • Replaceable artwork area

  • Dj mode - Plays all 50 tracks


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